This year at Nana's, Jackson was introduced to a new tradition for our family. She arranged for an Elf to come and live with us to watch over Jackson and Lincoln and monitor their behavior and report to Santa Claus. The Elf on the Shelf is a cute book that describes the elf that we adopted this year. The first step is to name your elf. We're still in deliberation on that. My suggestions included Willy, Billy, Buddy and Peter. Jackson's included Astro boy, Jackson, Batman,Super boy and Peter Pan. Our elf, which will for now remain nameless, has been found everywhere we have been in the last several weeks. He has traveled all the way from Dothan, AL to Nashville, TN. He can be found anywhere and everywhere. Each morning, he is in a new location and Jackson's mission is to find him. He then prides himself on showing us where the elf has landed. Some of the elf's more creative locations included a top shelf basket, the fire alarm in our opryland hotel room, and on top of the desk with the magnifying glass from our recent science experiment. Tonight, we will sadly say goodbye to the elf for another year. Maybe next year, he'll be lucky enough to have a name that sticks.