Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Caught on Cell Phone Camera

Isn't it funny to think back to the days of FILM! Loading it, Winding it, buying it, devoloping it! Then there were the days that you had to hold still for 20 seconds waiting on the digital camera to capture the image. How Lucky are we that we can now take our PHONE which is already in hand and take a split second photo of life as it is happening. No searching for your camera, begging the kids to hold still knowing at least one of them is running to hid from mom with camera! Yes, we have to admit, these days of technology will serve us well as our momory fades and we sit back and wonder where the time went. These are some of the latest images caught on my phone. These were chosen among nearly 200, most of which Jackson took of shoes or clocks or anything else while I was shopping. Hey, it kept him entertained.

This lemonade stand was a recycled box we were delivered a sign in. I knew when I saw it that it would make something really fun for the kids. Jackson loved this idea. It never made it into the yard for profit but I'm sure he'll recreate the idea again. I drew the letters and he traced him but the guy with the gigantic hand and mug of lemonade was all his idea! Yep, that's his hand you see there. I was also given the privilidge of seeing a puppet show behind the lemonade stand/stage. Using stuffed animals, Jackson and his dad gave an impromptu puppet show that ended with the monkey and the dog fighting. BOYS! These are Jackson's GI Joe men. They have all sorts of uniforms for their specific jobs. I guess the Army needs all kinds. Thankfully most of them do at least have clothing. These were my cousins and he is now 16. Seriously, I've never seen so much firepower. This is the toybox turned sniper field. These are some talented guys in their marksmanship. They can hit their targets haning upside down off the side of a building. And with those muscles, I'd let them protect me anytime! This scene struck me as ironic. I'm sitting at the computer desperately searching for us a places to live as we exit the Army life. We have been in it for 10 years but Jackson, he's been in it his WHOLE LIFE! I know they will both transition well but Jackson will likely be the only one that remembers Daddy's Army life. I said, "We can take the boy out of the Army but I think we're going to have a hard time taking the Army out of the boy!" My sweet 5 year old let his bear bear look out the window on the flight from Raleigh to Nashville. Bear Bear has traveled many miles with us. Thank goodness we don't have to buy him a ticket! The evolution of "date night". It used to look more like a couple, enjoying time together, without their kids. Lately, it's us been asking the kids where they want to go eat and having dinner at 530 and picking up a Redbox on the way home. It just hurts to spend 50 dollars on dinner and another 50 on a sitter. So our latest date night was the 4 of us at Outback. Hey, I consider myself the lucky one here. I'm on a date with THREE men that I love! Seriously, sometimes I look at them and see a "before" and "after" photo!

Look at that face...covered in pure buttah!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so awesome and fun to read Jamie! I love the GI Joe's with no pants and of course the pics of those sweet boys!
