Friday, March 13, 2015

Black and Blue is the new Cool?!

This cool guy is on his new scooter.  He got one for Christmas that didn't last longer than a week.  I returned it and decided to upgrade his since he thought Jackson's was quite a bit cooler than his.  That was my first mistake.  Lincoln is a known daredevil.  He thinks it's cool to take things apart.  He thinks danger signs are just a recommendation.  He's way too cool for safe and rules aren't made for him.

Well, I give you THIS.  
Scooter minus a helmet = REALLY black and blue eye.  
I had a friend over when Jackson ran in just ahead of him screaming Lincoln is hurt!
I only panicked a little when I saw him.  I called Jason to hurry home and brought out the ol' ice pack.  He was crying but not for reasons you might think.  When I could finally comprehend his words they were a little surprising.  
He asked, crying, "Mom,....will I be grounded from my scooter?"
Um, I'm contemplating the Emergency room or not and he's wondering if he's grounded from the REASON I'm having to make this decision?!?  
It was decided that he'd live to see another day and that yes, he would temporarily be grounded from the scooter.  
Not necessarily from the accident or injury but because he'd broken my rule.  
Absolutely NO riding without a helmet.

Not only did he not have a helmet on but he was also riding down the driveway where there is a large bump at the end.  He was thrown from the scooter which was already a little too big for him.  He was being a daredevil.  I know you are so surprised.  
Perhaps what i wasn't' prepared for was how we would have to respond to his injury.  Conveniently it was ONLY his eye and face that took the brunt of the blow.  It was so severe that I kept him home from school the following day and took him to the pediatrician.  He of course said there wasn't anything wrong and nothing we could do besides wait it out.  His eye was nearly swollen shut!  

It got more black and spread before it healed but he had to go back to school.  Rumor has it he was the coolest kid at the lunch table with is battle wounds.  EVERYONE wanted to know what happened to Lincoln and everyone had to see him.  He was famous for his scooter blooper. 
Gah,  Boys!

This meal was to prove that EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas.  Kids meals AND black eyes!!

Just last week, it's still so epic he wrote about it in his Journal for kindergarten.  
It says, "I got a black eye when I fell off my electric scooter and it goes 200 per hour"

It was super important that his had a 200 on it and he told me several times it would go 200 per hour.  Some things will never change.  I give up.

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