Thursday, August 6, 2009

Greetings from Afghanistan.......سلام ازافغانستان

When we returned from the beach, we received a package from Jason. He has been dealing with several local Afghan and his "contact" arranged this typical Afghan children's wear for Jackson to have. It is so cute on him. The pants are a little strange in that the waist would fit me but the legs are too short for even Jackson but it's nothing a pin can't fix. The shirt is tough to get over Jackson's big head, they must have smaller heads there! The shoes were really cute, they just didn't fit Jackson's "Barney Rubble" feet. The vest really tops it all off. It's a cross between Arabic style and Elvis Presley! When we opened it, Jackson wanted to put it on right away. He donned the outfit and then announced he was going to get on a big jet and go to Afghanistan. I told him it was a long way there and he said it was a FAST jet and he'd be back in 4 days! He proceeded to go outside and then ring the doorbell and when I answered it, he said he was an Afghan boy and he was here to give us some candy. (Remember Jason handed out candy to Afghan children in out recent pics of him)
So, if we ever travel to Afghanistan, at least Jackson won't look like a tourist!

He also sent me a pair of sandals. They are pretty. Thank goodness he didn't think of sending me the head garb to wear too!

Jason also sent us 4 stone carved elephants. If you know this guy, you know what a HUGE Alabama fan he is and why this isn't surprising. He's building his collection for what he thinks will one day be his "Alabama room." I've told him that will have to be one BIG house for me to spare an entire room for that. One of the elephant statues has a crisscross belly where you can see another small elephant carved inside it. I guess that one is me and how he still sees me as being pregnant because I was the last time he saw me!

He sent us the rug a while ago. I think I may have mentioned it but when we opened the box and pulled it out, Jackson said "Mommy, why did daddy mail you a carpet?" It is a VERY nice hand woven silk rug.

And last, Jason mailed me my T-shirt from the 5K for cancer research that I ran simultaneously with him. It is a British cancer research fund. There are lots of British soldiers at he base with him.

Below is a translation of this blog in Farsi(the local language)

برگشتیم Jason موقعیکه ماازساحل ،مادریافت شده یک بسته از

محلی هاچندین ازعهده برمی آمده است وتماسش تدارک دیداین بچه هاهای افغان Afghan اوبا

بپوشدکه دارد Jackson نمونه برای

آن خیلی بانمک ) روی ( دراواست

شلوارهاهستندمقدارکمی عجیب درکمرکه خواهدتوانست که من رامناسب باشداماهمچنین پاها

کوتاه هستنداماآن نیست یک سنجاق نمی تواندتثبیت بکند

بزرگ ،آنهابایدسران کوچک تر Jackson ( متعلق به ) پیراهن سخت است که خوب بشودسرمال

آنجادارند !

مناسب نباشند کفش بودندهم اکنون واقعابانمک ،آنهاپا

زیرپیراهنی واقعابالاهاآن تمام خاموش

است ! presley آن یک تقاطع مابین سبک عربی والویس

درراست کناربگذارد ( روی ) بخواهدکه آن را Jackson موقعیکه مابازکردیم آن را،

دریک جت بزرگ بگیردوبه افغانستان برود ( روی ) لباس وسپس اعلام کرداوقصددارد d او

بودواوبودن آنجابه من به اوگفتم آن یک راه بلندآنجابودواوگفت آن یک جت ۴

روزبایستی !

اوپیش رفت که بیرون وسپس حلقه زنگ دروبرودموقعیکه من جواب دادم آن را،اوبگویداویک

پسرافغان بودواواینجابودکه به مامقداری آب نبات بدهد

( درعکس های اخیرخارج ازاو Afgan آب نبات خارج به بچه ها Jason )

یک جهانگردی بنظرمی رسد Jackson ،اگرماتابه حال مسافرت به افغانستان ،حداقل So

1 comment:

  1. Jackson is so cute!! What great gifts! OUr kids have the hats and some purses/bags, they're waiting on their complete outfits( on their way!). I LOVE your sandals, I may have to hint that to Frank!!
