Sunday, April 13, 2014

Easy Breezy Beautiful Baby Girl

This is my easy, breezy beautiful baby girl!  She's six weeks old now and I sometimes STILL don't believe I have a baby girl.  I mean, she makes her presence known but I look down sometimes and marvel that she is MINE, like forever!
These are her newborns.  Done in 4 shoots over a week.  I'm so thankful for my mom and her mad photography skills.  Even with the 2 of us, we struggled to get the shots we did.  Photographing newborns is HARD and we had all the time in the world because we were doing it at home.  We may or may not have had the heat up on 80 at times.  And a heating pad.  And a heater.  She officially wet or soiled every single prop we put on her at least once.  I was doing acrobatics that made me thankful that I didn't have a c-section and that my wicked fast birth left me feeling quite agile.
(This one was her "Downton Abbey" headband.  I like to call her Lady Lillian!)
How on earth do you choose a favorite of these?  They are all my favorite.  She's my favorite!  I spend large parts of every single day sitting and holding her.  She's my baby girl and she's also my last.  I don't get much done and it's perfectly fine with me.  I don't even mind getting up 3 times a night with her.  This too shall pass and I know one day I'll miss it.  After going through the ringer with crybaby Lincoln, I had a deal with Lillian that I would nurse on command, as long as she was a good baby.  No schedule, no problem.  We were going to be stress free.  I honestly don't even look at the clock much.  She has been known to take advantage of it insisting on eating every 2ish hours for the first 4 weeks but she's decided she'll stretch it out a few times a day now.  Especially at night when she can stretch 4 hours now which is a blessing!
When I'm not sitting and rocking her, you can usually find her attached to me.  I've broken in all of her carriers really well.  She loves being close and held.  Luckily for her, it's my favorite thing to do!  Sadly for anyone looking to read blogs, I'm no good at typing one handed so these blogs are accumulating in my head and there's not enough room for them there!  She's also learned what an on-the-go life we live. She's a regular at the ballfield, boot camp is on our T-TH schedule and all the girls in my Wednesday bible study adore her.  She's even walked in the Relay for Life this year!  The days we do stay home we spend them playing dress up and matching bows to outfits.
She thinks the ceiling fans are the coolest things on earth.  She can look at them for quite a while.  At around 4 weeks, I started putting her on her stomach at naps.  And she loved it.  So she's a stomach sleeper.  Just like her brothers were.
Her brothers like her alot.  They are a big help too.  They are champs at replacing that paci when she spits it out.  They also like the spectacle of her.  Anytime their friends are around they want to kiss baby sister on her head.
Lucy is even a fan of her.  She's gotten protective of her and stands guard when she's crying until I come and get her.

She is everything I ever dreamed of and having a girl is probably MORE fun that I imagined it.  She's so easy that she'd make anyone think of having another one.  She cries for ONE reason.  Only when she's hungry but let it be known that NOTHING will stop her from crying when she is hungry.  Its a good thing we aren't trying to put this girl on a schedule because that might cue the drama I've been promised in the future.

All in all, she is PERFECT and I couldn't love her more!

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