Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is this what 4cm looks like?

On tuesday of last week, I went into the Doctor expecting to get a grim reminder that it's not quite time for the baby yet. As I read the expression on his face, I still thought that. Then he announced that I was 4cm dialated and 75% effaced. As I see it, that's nearly halfway to having a baby! I was very excited AND began to panic into nesting mode just a little. No mom wants to come home with things less than perfect for her little one. I had already been walking with Daddy mornings and late evenings but this really put that walking into action. We walked 3 or more miles EVERY day. We walked the 3 mile TVA trail, we walked a large route in Sheffield and we walked the neighborhood street by street. We also cleaned my car. I know my car hasn't been this clean since Jackson was born! I bought all the necessary cosmetices for baby on a few target runs.
I also did all the necessary mommy things. I know one can only look so good when you're 28lbs overweight but what kind of girl would I be if I didn't at least put some effort into it. Those who know me KNOW I'm going to try. I got my nails done and even got a spray tan. I quickly fell in love with the results of the spray tan as it was quick, easy and healthy for a pregnant girl. I also picked up a dress that will support breastfeeding AND show off my "transition" figure.
Jason is still living in sub-par conditions but is working on getting internet for the day of delivery. He's on stanby for me to contact him, just in case something happens anytime of day.
Jackson spent the weeks end with the deFoors for Jason's little sisters graduation in Birmingham. I was told that it was best I stay closeby the doctor. His world is made up of fun, fun and more fun as always.
We made these pics last tuesday after the doctors appt. I was attempting the suductive urban look with a splash of color. I loved the urban garage place I ran across during one of our walks.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Making the "switch"

"Just another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody, I got some money cause we just got I wish I had someone to talk to" I begin my blog with this because after using this catchy cliche several times today, it is now STUCK in my head repeatedly.
This week has been relatively slow and uneventful. Rain has taken up several of our days into being secluded to the house. I'm not complaining much though. It's about all I can do to make one trip 10 mins down the road for swimming lessons and I'm exhausted again. I'm telling you, an extra 28lbs can really weigh a girl down. Jackson's 2 week swimming lessons are now over. He was a wild man in the pool, mostly splashing and keeping his head and ears underwater so as not to hear the directions given by the teacher. I think his expressions kept them laughing though. He is certainly animated while trying hard to be still enough to float.
My doctors appointment this week revealed that we will try to have the baby on either the 27th or 28th of May assuming I keep progressing. I'll be seen every week from now until then. I was happy to at least have a "date" in mind to let Jason know and was also happy that his (the Doc) date was about the same as the ones I had in mind.
Jason's living situation apparently hasn't changed much and other than that, I know little about what he's doing or his daily tasks. He can only check email about every 3 days so communication is still "rustic" as he put it nicely. I can only hope that this gets better. I've jokingly ( but with serious undertones) stated that it seems like the only things we have in common right now are that we share the same bank account and children. And I'm managing both of those things at the present time!

So in an attempt to get serious with Jackson for pulling the backtalk of "I"m just gonna..." or "no, I'm doing ______ first" when I ask him to do something, I have decided to make the switch. That is introduce the switch. I no longer feel my hand or my threats have much bearing on him and I am hoping that this friendly character will really make him understand that I am the parent and he must obey me. (they are learning that in Sunday school) Well, I explained to him that I would now be using this tool to help him learn that he must obey me and I would not be giving continued threats, there would be one chance and then he'd meet his fate. Oh how quickly a 3 year old forgets. I asked him to come and let me put his shoes on when he replied "I'm just gonna put this money in the piggy bank" so I got up and got the switch and there they had their first encounter. Well, his response wasn't at all what was expected or desired as he yelled at me to "STOP doing that" which lead to yet another stronger encounter with our new discipline tool. I think he understood this time but I clarified that this was our new method of "learning to obey." After our talk, he had many more questions about this new friend. He seemed both cautious and interested in it. Knowing he doesn't forget anything, he won't soon be forgetting about this incident and I feel certain that it will be effective. Today I was reading on the porch when he brought the switch outside to me. I asked him what he was doing with it and he said "I'm going to break it up and throw it off the porch." Oh, Jackson...just as there are plenty of fish in the sea, there are also plenty of sticks on that tree!
Children obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3
Those who spare the rod hate their children, but those who love them
are diligent to discipline them. Proverbs 13:24

Monday, May 11, 2009

Top 10 things I LOVE about being a Mother

10. No need for alarm clocks anymore. Kids make the perfect replacement. They are sure to
NEVER ever let you sleep in, even when you can. Every morning since we've been in AL, he's found a reason to come into my room and make sure I'm awake.

9. Uncomfortable in a situation? Need to get off an annoying call? KIDS are the best reason to have to run...and if it gets serious, kids can always provide you with a crisis. Beware, sometimes this crisis can be real!

8. Admit it, you think that toy on the infomercial looks pretty cool and lucky for you, there's a holiday or a bribery issue coming up really soon! So go ahead, get out your credit card and order that toy "for the Kids!"

7. Kids are like playing paper dolls, you get to dress them however you want to reflect your own least until they form an opinion (which begins around age 2!)

6. Kids make the perfect excuses to go to all the places you secretly want to go yourself...the Zoo, DISNEY!, Great Wolf Lodge, amusement parks, etc... AND you get to see their enjoyment while you fulfill your desire.

5. Self-esteem issues? Kids can be brutally honest, but also amazingly complementary, even in the times you least expect it. There's nothing like waking up to a 3 year old saying, "Mom, you're pretty!" but also "Mom, you're belly is BIG!"

4. Your manners and your core values are reinforced while teaching them to kids. You must remember words NOT to say, remember your "thank yous" and your "yes, ma'ams" lest you be reminded and corrected by your 3 year old.

3. Google! It can be the most useful and loved tool by all mothers, you can look up "bug bites", what to do IF..., and the answers to all the questions asked by your 3 year old that you just don't know the answers to.

2. The distress call..."Mooooooooooooooommmmmmmm" It could be something serious, like needing a butt wiped or something with less significance like spilling milk on the carpet or a sibling rivalry gone bad. Either way, you won't very often hear, "Daaaaadddddddyyy" because these are jobs best suited for the one they call Mom!

1. To your child, you ARE like God. You can kiss a boo-boo and make it better. They can ask and food simply appears in front of them. Wet bed sheets and clothes are amazingly clean and dry. Dirty diapers are clean and noses are wiped right before their eyes. And your reward lovingly comes as hugs and kisses which to a mother are worth more than gold!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bring on the Rain

I guess we arrived in Alabama just in time for the "rainy season." It has rained a significant amount since we got here 2 weeks ago. It rains so hard at night, it's awakened me a few times. The parks are muddy and the river is overflowing. The spill waves are fully open and that is a sight to see! On Sunday, I was beginning to feel sorry for myself because I think I left my "good" umbrella in Jason's truck in NC and I only have my dollar store one here. I have to "waddle" to the car more quickly than normal to keep from getting my pants legs wet. I'm in church for 2 minutes when Jason calls. I'm always glad to hear from him and he seems to be in fairly good spirits. He asked if I wanted to know about his latest drama and of course, I like to know anything about what my husband is doing for the next year of his life. He says that they had a bad thunderstorm on his base last night and that their 100 man festival tent had flooded and had about 1/4 inch standing water in it. So much for feeling sorry for myself about a little rain! WOW! So you already have to sleep in a big tent with 100 other smelly guys and now all your stuff on the floor is wet and you have to stand on your bed to change clothes. Now I begin to count my blessings! He was actually laughing about it. I asked him what you do about a flooded tent and he says "you sleep in it!" Then I asked him if that wouldn't cause mosquito's to invade and he said "that's why we're taking malaria pills." I guess you might as well laugh about it. And again I'm reminded, I'm just not that Tough!

These pictures are of Wilson Dam, with the spill waves fully open to allow for all the rainwater to pass through. Wilson Dam is part of TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) the hydro-electric energy producer here in the Tennessee Valley. I read in the paper that over one million gallons of water is passing through them each second! These were taken by a friend and were too awesome not to share. (thanks, Joy)

Mama Mia!

On Monday I hit the 35 week mark in this pregnancy! The baby is done developing for the most part and now just puts on weight. We ALL know what that means for BIG mama! I can feel the belly getting bigger and the clothes that are SUPPOSED to be for maternity fitting a little tighter these days. I can also feel it when I want to roll over in bed at night. Sometimes, I wake up, contemplate moving and decide it's not worth the effort before going back to sleep. Otherwise, I have had more energy and felt better this week than I did even last week. That is good for me but bad for the hope of the baby being "ready" to come out anytime soon. I guess it does help that I have gone from being a single parent to having 3 adults to share 3 year old care with! I do most of the cooking and planning of the meals around here but other than that, my responsibilities are small and somewhat selfish (scrapbooking, shopping, etc!)

My mom is our official photographer. She does it a little on the side and A LOT for us! It comes in really handy especially with the baby's arrival and lucky me, she's really good at it! You will be seeing more and more of her work in the near future with Lincoln's arrival. These are some of the maternity pics that she took on Monday at a nearby park. If you only knew the amount of bribery and threatening it took to get these pictures, you'd know how much to appreciate that sweet face of his!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Why is the sky blue? and other toddler questions.

Jackson has always been quite a talkative toddler. He's never met a stranger and doesn't mind striking up a conversation with any passerby. His questions sometimes seem never ending! Although I've been impressed at times with how intellectual they really are. He doesn't just ask the normal WHY? WHEN? HOW? kinds of questions. He usually puts thought into it.
After Christmas, we were traveling somewhere and he asked us "Why don't you use the ABCS (translate GPS)? We had just gotten it and he was remembering what it was and what it did. Anytime you ask Jackson, "How are you doing?", he'll reply not just good but "I'm doing good!"
Today at Wal-mart, I spent a relatively long time browsing the cosmetics while dodging his questions and answering a few along the way. He was running out of things to ask and started looking around the store. He got my attention with this one, he asked, "Mom, why are the ceilings so high in Wal-mart?" Hmmm...Jackson I've never actually wondered that one so I had to admit I had NO idea. I'm thinking I should teach him how to Google. They always have the answers to my questions!