Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is this what 4cm looks like?

On tuesday of last week, I went into the Doctor expecting to get a grim reminder that it's not quite time for the baby yet. As I read the expression on his face, I still thought that. Then he announced that I was 4cm dialated and 75% effaced. As I see it, that's nearly halfway to having a baby! I was very excited AND began to panic into nesting mode just a little. No mom wants to come home with things less than perfect for her little one. I had already been walking with Daddy mornings and late evenings but this really put that walking into action. We walked 3 or more miles EVERY day. We walked the 3 mile TVA trail, we walked a large route in Sheffield and we walked the neighborhood street by street. We also cleaned my car. I know my car hasn't been this clean since Jackson was born! I bought all the necessary cosmetices for baby on a few target runs.
I also did all the necessary mommy things. I know one can only look so good when you're 28lbs overweight but what kind of girl would I be if I didn't at least put some effort into it. Those who know me KNOW I'm going to try. I got my nails done and even got a spray tan. I quickly fell in love with the results of the spray tan as it was quick, easy and healthy for a pregnant girl. I also picked up a dress that will support breastfeeding AND show off my "transition" figure.
Jason is still living in sub-par conditions but is working on getting internet for the day of delivery. He's on stanby for me to contact him, just in case something happens anytime of day.
Jackson spent the weeks end with the deFoors for Jason's little sisters graduation in Birmingham. I was told that it was best I stay closeby the doctor. His world is made up of fun, fun and more fun as always.
We made these pics last tuesday after the doctors appt. I was attempting the suductive urban look with a splash of color. I loved the urban garage place I ran across during one of our walks.

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